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The Crusader Fund

The Crusader Fund, formerly known as the Annual Fund, is unrestricted and runs from July 1st to June 30th each year. It provides critical financial support for academics, extra-curricular programs, faculty salaries and development, technology updates, facility improvements and much more. Rarely does generosity have such a powerful and immediate impact on others’ lives than through annual gifts to The Crusader Fund.

Why? Because these annual unrestricted gifts are immediately available to be directed where they are most urgently needed. All funds raised this year will be spent this year. Your annual gift to the Crusader Fund represents our dedication to the student experience and helps to make every day of the year at Bergen Catholic EXTRAORDINARY.

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Ways to give

Please consider becoming a donor today with a monthly donation to Bergen Catholic.

Please contact Marge Quinn at 201-634-4142 or mquinn@bergencatholic.org if you would like more information about making a difference in the lives of our students.

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Other Funds

Some investors may choose to direct their gifts into one or more of Bergen Catholic’s restricted funds. Each of these restricted funds has a single, unique purpose that combine to provide B.C. students with the high-quality education the school has become known for throughout its marketplace!

Student Tuition Assistance Fund

Investments in this Fund will be used to provide financial assistance to worthy and capable students who wish to attend Bergen Catholic but are not financially able to do so. Bergen Catholic currently provides over $900,000 in financial aid to our students and the need for assistance increases each year. Your gift to this Fund is a direct investment in the future of a young man here at Bergen, enabling academically qualified students the opportunity to experience an outstanding Bergen Catholic education. It is also an investment in a better future for all of us!


In addition to making a gift to the Tuition Assistance Fund, certain donors may wish to “Adopt-A-Student” by agreeing to give a minimum of 50% of the cost of tuition for a consecutive four-year period. This program is designed to be a conduit for continuing Br. Edmund Rice’s vision for Catholic education by helping students that may not otherwise be able to receive a Bergen Catholic education attend the school.

Crusader Promenade Brick Fund

Select this fund if you would like to purchase a brick in Crusader Promenade, located at field level of Crusader Stadium, immediately east of the Saingas Center.

Missions in Peru Fund

You gave to the Missions in Peru when you were a B.C. student. Now, you can continue to give to the Missions and support the good work of the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers in one of the poorest of third-world countries.

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