Dr. Brian Mahoney
Bergen Catholic High School
Once you attend Bergen Catholic, you are a Crusader for life. Your connection to Bergen transcends the doors of Oradell Avenue and follows you far beyond the borders of the state of New Jersey. In fact, our extensive network of over 11,000 alumni spans throughout the United States and dozens of countries around the world.
Careers4Crusaders offers an excellent opportunity for younger alumni to meet and network with dozens of experienced alums who will help them navigate their career paths.
In addition to networking opportunities, career advice and employment leads from Bergen Catholic alumni, Steve Estrellado ’96 of Estro Digital Communications will begin the evening with a 20-minute presentation on the importance of promoting your personal brand and how to do it successfully with Linkedin. You will learn how to create a unique profile and how to use the platform to successfully engage and maintain relationships with professionals in your field.
We would like to invite you to share your experience and expertise with our younger, newly graduated alumni during our annual Careers4Crusaders professional networking event to be held in the Bergen Catholic Gymnasium on the evening of January 4, 2024.
Click here to complete the volunteer form. Your bio will be included in our program.
We ask all volunteers to meet in the BC gym at 5:15 pm sharp! Thank you!
Bergen Catholic High School is a private, four year (9-12) college preparatory school that delivers a traditional, value-centered Catholic education in a 21st Century learning environment and utilizes technology to better prepare students to lead in life and service to others. Bergen Catholic educates the whole person – mind, body and spirit – by deepening religious faith, developing academic excellence, and strengthening social consciousness and responsibility in young men.
Founded and staffed by the
Edmund Rice Christian Brothers
1040 Oradell Avenue
Oradell, NJ 07649
Tel: 201.261.1844